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Invitation from the 11th International Youth Scientific and Practical Congress "Oil and Gas Horizons"

宣布日期: 2019-07-17 阅读次数:

Dear China University of Petroleum at Beijing, 

We are glad to invite you to take part in the XI International Youth Scientific and Practical Congress "Oil and Gas Horizons". 

Date: 18-21 November 2019
Place: Gubkin University, Moscow, Russia 

"Oil and Gas Horizons" Congress is held annually and gathers the most talented and motivated students from all over the world. In 2018, the Congress was attended by 80 participants from 17 countries and 29 universities of the world.

We invite students and graduate students of China University of Petroleum at Beijing to take part in the Congress and present their scientific works! 

Submission of abstracts is open till the 23th of August, 2019. 
Registration and more information about the Congress is available at oilandgashorizons.ru

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