Xuyue Chen, Jin Yang, Deli Gao, et al. Unlocking the deepwater natural gas hydrate’s commercial potential with extended reach wells from shallow water: Review and an innovative method. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 134: 110388. (SCI,中科院大类一区,IF=15.9)
Xuyue Chen, Xu Du, Jin Yang, Deli Gao, et al. Developing offshore natural gas hydrate from existing oil & gas platform based on a novel multilateral wells system: Depressurization combined with thermal flooding by utilizing geothermal heat from existing oil & gas wellbore. Energy, 2022, 258: 124870. (SCI,中科院大类一区,IF= 8.9)
Xuyue Chen, Chengkai Weng, Xu Du, Jin Yang, Deli Gao, et al. Prediction of the rate of penetration in offshore large-scale cluster extended reach wells drilling based on machine learning and big-data techniques. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 285: 115404. (SCI,中科院大类二区,IF= 5.0)
Xuyue Chen, Xu Du, Chengkai Weng, Jin Yang, Deli Gao, et al. A real-time drilling parameters optimization method for offshore large-scale cluster extended reach drilling based on intelligent optimization algorithm and machine learning. Ocean Engineering, 2024, 291: 116375. (SCI,中科院大类二区,IF= 5.0)
Xuyue Chen, Qiqi Yang, Jin Yang, Deli Gao, et al. The stress field simulation of a novel M-type convex stepped bottomhole and the rate of penetration enhancement mechanism of a new type of central-grooved PDC bit for offshore deep & ultradeep well drilling. Ocean Engineering, 2024, 293: 116706. (SCI,中科院大类二区,IF= 5.0)
Xuyue Chen, Tong Cao, Kaian Yu, Deli Gao, ea tl. Numerical and experimental investigation on the depressurization capacity of a new type of depressure-dominated jet mill bit. Petroleum Science, 2020, 17(6):1602-1615. (SCI,中科院大类一区,IF= 5.6)
Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao. The Maximum Allowable Well Depth While Drilling of Ultra-Extended-Reach Drilling from Shallow Water to Deepwater Target. SPE Journal, 2018, 23(1), 224-236. (SCI,中科院大类三区,IF= 3.6)
Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Boyun Guo. A Method for Optimizing Jet-Mill-Bit Hydraulics in Horizontal Drilling. SPE Journal, 2016, 21(2), 416-422. (SCI,中科院大类三区,IF= 3.6)
Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Boyun Guo, and Yongcun Feng. Real-time optimization of drilling parameters based on mechanical specific energy for rotating drilling with positive displacement motor in the hard formation. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 35, 686-694. (SCI,中科院大类二区,IF= 5.3)
Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Boyun Guo. Optimal design of jet mill bit for jet comminuting cuttings in horizontal gas drilling hard formations. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 28, 587-593. (SCI,中科院大类二区,IF= 5.3)
效劳国家海洋强国战略,构建学科双创作育系统,培育海洋科技立异领武士才, 凯时(北京), 优异教学效果特等奖, 排名第4(5/15), 2024.
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陈绪跃, 杨进, 高德利等. PDC与单牙轮复合的内排屑钻头. 中国专利:ZL202010692025.8, 2022.
陈绪跃, 杨进, 高德利等. 深水自然气水合物开采系统和深水自然气水合物开采要领.中国专利:ZL201910281223.2, 2020.
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