













[1] 沉积盆地温压场,

[2] 地热资源评价,

[3] 沉积盆地热体制和热历史,

[4] 油气成藏机理


[1] 国家自然科学基金重点项目“四川盆地结构-热演化及其对震旦-寒武系自然气成藏的约束”(2019-2023)

[2] 国家自然科学基金重大项目“页岩气刷新-散失途径与生涯条件”子专题(2017-2021)

[3] 国家重点研发妄想“超深层情形油气天生与烃源灶有用性评”课题之子专题(2018-2021)

[4] 华北油田项目“冀中坳陷重点潜山及内幕油气演化与成藏机理研究”(2018-2019)

[5] 中石化油气成藏重点实验室开放基金“川东丁山地区结构-热演化研究:来自低温热年月学和结构物理模拟的约束”(2018-2019)

[6] 中石化西部研究中心项目“塔里木盆地典范地区特深层温压场研究”(2018-2019)

[7] 北京市科技新星与领武士才作育妄想项目(2017-2019)


[1] Qiu N S, Liu S. Uplift and denudation in continental area of China linked to climate effects: evidence from apatite and zircon fission track data. Scientific Reports,2018, 8:9546. [SCI]

[2] Liu W, Qiu N S*, Xu Q C, Liu Y F. Precambrian temperature and pressure system of Gaoshiti-Moxi block in the central paleo-uplift of Sichuan Basin, southwest China. Precambrian Research, 2018, 313:91-108.[SCI]

[3] Tian Y T, Kohn B P, Qiu N S, et al., Eocene to Miocene out-of-sequence deformation in the eastern Tibetan Plateau: Insights from shortening structures in the Sichuan Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 2018, 123(2):1840-1855. [SCI]

[4] Jiang Q, Qiu N S*, Zhu C Q, Heat flow study of the Emeishan large igneous province region: Implications for the geodynamics of the Emeishan mantle plume. Tectonophysics, 2018, 724-725: 11-27.[SCI]

[5] Liu Y F, Qiu N S*, et al., Temperature and pressure characteristics of the Ordovician gas condensate reservoirs in the Tazhong area, Tarim Basin, Northwest China. AAPG Bulletin, 2018, in press[SCI,EI]

[6] Chang J, Qiu N S*, Zhao X Z, et al., Tectono-thermal reconstruction of the western Bohai Bay Basin (East China) and its implication for hydrocarbon generation and migration. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2018, 160:380-395. [SCI]

[7] Xu Q C, Qiu N S*, Zhang G W, et al., Thermal Evolution and Maturation of Sinian and Cambrian Source Rocks in the Central Area of the Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2018,164:143-158. [SCI]

[8] Liu Y F, Qiu N S*, Chen J F, et al., Origins and accumulation processes of the Ordovician gas condensate in the Tazhong area, Tarim Basin, northwest China. Geological Journal, 2018, 53(4): 1354-1371 [SCI]

[9] Liu W, Qiu N S*, Shen A J, et al., The evolution of pore-fluid pressure and its causes in the Sinian-Cambrian deep carbonate gas reservoirs in Central Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2018,160: 96-109 [SCI]
