











jizhongli 63@vip.sina. Com




[1] 国家重点研发妄想子课题,高温烟气净化妆备的优化设计及性能测定,2016-2019

[2] 国家科技重大专项子课题,高含硫自然气净化系统能效评价,2016-2020

[3] 北京市科技项目,高温高压气体中超低浓度颗粒物在线丈量手艺及装备,2016-2018

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,自然气净化用气液聚结滤芯过滤疏散机理研究,2014-2017


[1] Cheng Chang,Zhongli Ji,Jialin Liu. Pressure Drop and Saturation of Nonwettable Coalescing Filters at Different Loading Rates[J]. AIChE Journal,2018,64(1):180~185.

[2] Cheng Chang,Zhongli Ji,Jialin Liu. The e?ect of a drainage layer on saturation and liquid distribution of oleophobic coalescence ?lters[J]. Separation and Puri?cation Technology,2018,194:355~361.

[3] Zhen Liu, Zhongli Ji, Jianfeng Shang, et al. Improved design of two-stage filter cartridges for high sulfur natural gas purification[J]. Separation and Purification Technology. 2018,198: 155-162.

[4] Cheng Chang, Zhongli JI, Jialin Liu. The effect of a drainage layer on the saturation of coalescing filters in the filtration process[J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 160: 354-361.

[5] Cheng Chang, Zhongli JI, Fanyong Zeng. The effect of a drainage layer on filtration performance of coalescing filters[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2016, 170: 370-376.

[6] Zhen Liu, Zhongli Ji, Xiaolin Wu, et al. Experimental investigation on liquid distribution of filter cartridge during gas-liquid filtration[J]. Separation and Purification Technology. 2016,170: 146-154.

[7] Cheng Chang, Zhongli JI, Chuanbin Liu, et al. Permeability of filter cartridges used for natural gas filtration at high pressure[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 34: 419-427.

[8] 姬忠礼, 齐强强. 孔径梯度漫衍对亲油型滤材气液过滤性能的影响[J]. 化工学报, 2017, 68(04): 1442-1451.

[9] 姬忠礼, 齐强强. 静电纺聚丙烯腈纳米纤维复合滤材的制备及其气液过滤性能[J]. 纺织学报, 2017, 38(09): 8-13.


[1] Filter tube for high-temperature gas-solid separation(US 9802147) ;

[2] Self-oscillating nozzle and pulse-jet cleaning system(US 9409113) ;

[3] 适用于高压气体管道内颗粒物在线检测的要领(ZL201210479392.5) ;

[4] 适用于高温气体管道内颗粒物在线检测的装置及要领(ZL201210479293.7) ;

[5] 用于高温气体净化的过滤装置(ZL201410331406.8) ;

[6] 高温气体过滤装置及其过滤要领(ZL201310258483.0) ;

[7] 高温气体过滤管的制作装置和制作要领(ZL201310058575.4) ;

[8] 用于高温气体过滤的组合式过滤管及其过滤器(ZL201310147852.9) ;


[1] Cheng Chang,Zhongli Ji,Jialin Liu. Pressure Drop and Saturation of Nonwettable Coalescing Filters at Different Loading Rates[J]. AIChE Journal,2018,64(1):180~185.

[2] Cheng Chang,Zhongli Ji,Jialin Liu. The e?ect of a drainage layer on saturation and liquid distribution of oleophobic coalescence ?lters[J]. Separation and Puri?cation Technology,2018,194:355~361.

[3] Zhen Liu, Zhongli Ji, Jianfeng Shang, et al. Improved design of two-stage filter cartridges for high sulfur natural gas purification[J]. Separation and Purification Technology. 2018,198: 155-162.

[4] Cheng Chang, Zhongli JI, Jialin Liu. The effect of a drainage layer on the saturation of coalescing filters in the filtration process[J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 160: 354-361.

[5] Cheng Chang, Zhongli JI, Fanyong Zeng. The effect of a drainage layer on filtration performance of coalescing filters[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2016, 170: 370-376.

[6] Zhen Liu, Zhongli Ji, Xiaolin Wu, et al. Experimental investigation on liquid distribution of filter cartridge during gas-liquid filtration[J]. Separation and Purification Technology. 2016,170: 146-154.

[7] Cheng Chang, Zhongli JI, Chuanbin Liu, et al. Permeability of filter cartridges used for natural gas filtration at high pressure[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 34: 419-427.
