













[1] 要从事深水沉积、层序地层和地动资料诠释方面的教学与科研事情


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,珠江峡谷末次冰期以来浊流运动对天气转变的响应标准与反响机制(41972100),2020-2023,主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,中更新世以来珠江陆架边沿三角洲-海底扇“源-汇同步”的形成机制(41802117),2019-2021,主持

[3] 中国石油集团杭州地质研究所,深水水道-自然堤复合体沉积贮层漫衍模式与形成机制研究,2020-2020,主持

[4] 中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院,南大西洋盐结构演化及其对上覆沉积的控制—以下刚果盆地为例,2019-2020,主持

[5] 中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司课题,渤南低凸起北部古近系岩性圈闭漫衍、成藏机理剖析及有利区带展望,2020-2022,主持

[6] 中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司课题,辽西凸起南段前第三系断裂系统特征及其对潜山储层控制作用研究,2020-2021,副项目长

[7] 中海石油(中国)有限公司深圳分公司课题,高角度型凹陷古近系优质储层条件及油气富集纪律研究,2020-2021,副项目长

[8] 中海石油(中国)研究中心课题,墨西哥海域盆地盐相关结构油气运聚机理研究,2018-2020,加入

[9] 中石油大港油田课题,多类型斜坡区油气成藏机理研究,2018-2020,加入


[1] Gong, C*., Wang, Y., Zhu, W., Li, W., Xu, Q., Zhang, J., 2011. The central submarine canyon in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northwestern South China Sea: Architecture, sequence stratigraphy, and depositional processes. Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 28, p. 1690-1702, doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2011.06.005.

[2] Gong, C*., Wang, Y., Peng, X., Li, W., Qiu, Y., Xu, S., 2012. Sediment waves on the South China Sea Slope off southwestern Taiwan: Implications for the intrusion of the Northern Pacific Deep Water into the South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 32, p. 95-109, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2011.12.005.

[3] Gong, C., Wang, Y., Zhu, W., Li, W., Xu, Q., 2013. Upper Miocene to Quaternary unidirectionally migrating deep-water channels in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea. AAPG Bulletin, v. 97, p. 285-308, DOI:10.1306/0712121115219.

[4] Gong, C*., Wang, Y., Hodgson, D.M., Zhu, W., Li, W., Xu, Q., Li, D., 2014. Origin and anatomy of two different types of mass-transport complexes: A 3D seismic case study from the northern South China Sea margin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 54, p. 198–215, doi: org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2014.03.006.

[5] Gong, C*., Wang, Y., Steel, R.J., Olariu, C., Xu, Q., Liu, X., Zhao, Q., 2015. Growth styles of shelf-margin clinoforms: Prediction of sand- and sediment-budget partitioning into and across the shelf. Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 85, p. 209–229, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2110/jsr.2015.10 (研究亮点).

[6] Gong, C., Wang, Y., Pyles, D.R., Steel, R.J., Xu, S., Xu, Q., Li, D., 2015. Shelf-edge trajectories and stratal stacking patterns: Their sequence-stratigraphic significance and relation to styles of deep-water sedimentation and amount of deep-water sandstone. AAPG Bulletin, v. 99, p. 1211–1243, doi:10.1306/01311513229.

[7] Gong, C*., Wang, Y., Xu, S*., Pickering, K.T., Peng, X., Li, W., Yan, Q., 2015. The northeastern South China Sea margin created by the combined action of down-slope and along-slope processes: Processes, products and implications for exploration and paleoceanography. Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 64, p. 233–249,1016/j.marpetgeo.2015.01.016

[8] Gong, C*., Wang, Y., Steel, R.J., Peakall, J., Zhao, X., Sun, Q., 2016. Flow processes and sedimentation in unidirectionally migrating deep-water channels: From a 3D seismic perspective. Sedimentology, v. 63, p. 645–661, doi: 10.1111/sed.12233.

[9] Gong, C*., Steel, R.J., Wang, Y., Lin, C., Olariu, C., 2016. Shelf-margin architecture variability and its role in source-to-sink sediment budget partitioning. Earth-Science Reviews, v. 154, p. 72–101, 10.1016/j.earscirev.2015.12.003 (IF = 9.452, 15 citations).
