

Student Affairs

2018/2019 Current students Scholarship review results



According to the scholarship regulation of China University of Petroleum, Beijing, the Annual scholarship review of 2018 was conducted from 9th to 15th of July 2018. The overall performance of students on The Beijing City Government Scholarship (Beijing City), China University of Petroleum, Beijing Scholarship (CUPB) and self-sponsored students was reviewed.The scholarship review process was completed and the scholarship results for the academic year 2018/2019 are as follows: 

1. The following students’ scholarships have been upgradedStudents whose scholarships were upgraded were chosen on the basis of outstanding performance academically, active participation in the activities of the College of International Education, leadership roles held by them within the International Students community and overall selfless service towards helping fellow students.


2.The following students kept their scholarships at the same category. Maintenance of scholarship category was for students who maintained the same standard at which the scholarship was awarded.


3.The following students had their scholarship category downgradedDowngrade of scholarship categories resulted from students either failing to maintain their academic performance at the required standard for a particular scholarship or non-participation in College activities.


4.Late submission of scholarship review materials resulted into withholding one-month allowance for the following student although his the scholarship category will remain unchanged.

