

Student Affairs

How to apply for the swimming card


I. Get the Physical Examination Form and Laboratory Test List

1. Time: Monday to Friday 8:30-11:00; 14:00-17:00

2. Location and Procedure:

¢Ùgo to the lobby in the first floor of the school hospital,get an "Fangbaoke£¨·À±£¿Æ, Room 316£©" registration number from the self-service machine (or the reception desk)

¢Úafter registering, first go to the third-floor"Fangbaoke£¨·À±£¿Æ, Room 316£©" to get the Laboratory Test List, and go to pay the fee at the first floor self-service machine (or the reception desk) , then you will get the Physical Examination Form.

3. Requirements and Tips: ¢ÙRemember to carry your student ID card and show to the doctor. ¢ÚMedical examination fee is 34 yuan; if you need to check hepatitis B, the medical examination fee is 62 yuan; if you want to change the chest examination to a chest radiograph, pay 75 yuan (no film) or 104 yuan (with film).¢ÛYou can apply for these Material on behalf of other students, but each person cannot handle more than 5 people¡¯s materials. ¢ÜYou must pay for the Physical Examination Form and Laboratory Test List immediately on the same day when you get them. Both forms are valid for one month after you have paid and You must apply and pay for the forms again if they expires. ¢ÝIf the blood test could not be done because of statutory holidays or a large medical examination, the effective time will be postponed.


II. Physical Examination


1. Blood Test:

¢ÙTime: Every Tuesday from 8:00AM to 9:00AM

¢ÚLocation: "LinJianKe£¨ÁÙ¼ì¿Æ£©" in the second floor of school hospital

¢ÛRequirements and Tips: morning fasting£»make sure to have a rest and do not drink alcohol for at least three days earlier£»please bring the Physical Examination Form and Laboratory Test List

; please make sure to go for the blood test during the time and day specified above, if not, you can only go there the following week


2. Physical Examination

¢ÙChecking blood pressure¡¢heart and lungs condition in the second floor (Monday to Friday within working hours)

¢ÚChest examination on the the radiology room in first floor(this examination can only be done every Tuesday morning);


3. Requirements and Tips:

¢ÙIn order to improve efficiency, it is recommended to take the chest examination and other examinations once your blood test is completed;

¢ÚDuring the physical examination, please observe the order, keep quiet, and wait in line for the check;

¢ÛAfter 16:00 on the day of your blood test, you can go to the "LinJianKe£¨ÁÙ¼ì¿Æ£©" to get your blood test result report.


III.  Examination Conclusion and Verification


Take the Physical Examination Form£¨All items Completed£©and the blood test result report to "Fangbaoke£¨·À±£¿Æ £¬Room 316£©" and get the verification stamp (Monday to Friday within working hours)


IV. After receiving the verification stamp, you can take the Physical Examination Form to the Sports Department and apply for a swimming pool card. For more details, please check the Sports Department instructions.


V. Other Tips

 1. In the case of a large-scale physical examination such as: a freshman enrollment or a graduate medical examination, the health checkup for the swimming card will be canceled.

 2. In case of statutory holidays, the health checkup for the swimming card will be canceled.
