







姓名: 牟建业   
职称: 教授 博导   
    1994-1998 东北石油大学 石油工程 本科
    1998-2001 凯时(北京) 油气田开发 硕士 
    2004-2009 Texas A&M University Petroleum Engineering 博士 
    2009-2010 凯时(北京) 讲师

2010-2016 凯时(北京) 副教授

2016-现在 凯时(北京) 教授


电子邮箱: moujianye@cup.edu.cn     
联系电话: 010-89734922


所在系所: 油气田开发工程系 
研究偏向: 储层刷新  
教学情形: 本科课程《采油工程》、研究生课程《酸化增产手艺》、《Advanced Production Engineering  



[1] “十三五”国家科技重大专项,靶向酸压工艺手艺实验及数模研究,2016-2020

[2] 国家自然科学基金项目, 重大介质条件下粘弹性外貌活性剂自转向酸酸化转向机理研究,2013-2016
[3] “十二五” 国家科技重大专项, 大型渗透穿透复合酸压手艺研究,2011-2015

[4] 顺南地区超深、超高温气藏酸压工艺手艺研究-白云岩油藏储层刷新实验评价及工艺优化,2016-2017

[5] 超深超高温白云岩深穿透酸液系统研发,2016-2017

[6] 超深碳酸盐岩水平井分段完井及酸压要害手艺-多级交替酸压工艺试验评价及现场应用,2015-2016

[7] Sadi低渗碳酸盐岩储层分段刷新工艺参数优选,2014-2015

[8] 托甫台奥陶系深井提高导流能力基础研究,2013

[9] 苏里格气田致密储层地点与储层刷新适配性评价,2012-2013

[10] 伊朗NISOC酸压项目研究与计划设计,2012

[11] 超深井超大规模酸压刷新机理及工艺手艺研究,2011-2012



1. Xinfang Ma, Jianye Mou, Hun Lin, Feng Jiang. Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Wormhole Propagation in Carbonate Acidizing. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, February: 1-19, 2017.

2. Jianye Mou, Chunyue Li, Shicheng Zhang, Dong Li. Research on Acid Leakoff Reduction by Injecting Large Volume of Slick Water in Acid Fracturing of Naturally Fractured Oil Reservoirs. Oxidation Communications 39, No 3-II, 2566-2579 (2016).

3. Jianye Mou, Jin Zhang, Shicheng Zhang, Lufeng Zhang. Research on Effective Viscosity of VES Acid in Porous Media. Oxidation Communications, 39, No 3-I, 23542365 (2016).

4. Mou, Jianye; Zhang, Shicheng. Modeling acid leakoff during multistage alternate injection of pad and acid in acid fracturing. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 226: 1161-1173.

5. Mou, Jianye; Liu, Ming; Zhang, Shicheng; Diversion Conditions for Viscoelastic Surfactant-Based Self-Diversion Acid in Carbonate Acidizing. SPE Production & Operation, 2015, 30(2): 191-199. 

6. Mou, Jianye; Zhang, Shicheng; Zhang, Ye. Acid Leakoff Mechanism in Acid Fracturing of Naturally Fractured Carbonate Oil Reservoirs. TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA, 2012, V91(2):573-584. 

7. Zhang, Ye; Yang, Shenglai; Zhang, Shicheng; Mou, Jianye. Wormhole Propagation Behavior and Its Effect on Acid Leakoff under In Situ Conditions in Acid Fracturing. TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA, 2014, V101(1)99-114.

8. Xu, Linjing; Zhang, Shicheng; Mou, Jianye. Acid Leakoff Mechanism in Acid Fracturing of Naturally Fractured Carbonate gas Reservoirs. EXPLORATION AND PROCESSING OF MINERAL RESOURCES, 2014, V868: 682-685.

9. Liu, Ming; Zhang, Shicheng; Mou, Jianye; Zhou Fujian. Wormhole Propagation Behavior Under Reservoir Condition in Carbonate Acidizing. TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA, 2013, V96(1): 203-220. 

10. Liu, Ming; Zhang, Shicheng; Mou, Jianye. Fractal nature of acid-etched wormholes and the influence of acid type on wormholes. PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT, 2012, V39(5)630-635. 

11. Liu, Ming; Zhang, Shicheng; Mou, Jianye. Effect of normally distributed porosities on dissolution pattern in carbonate acidizing. JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2012, V94-95: 28-39. 

12. Deng, J; Mou, Mou, Jianye; Hill, A.D.; Zhu, D. A New Correlation of Acid-Fracture Conductivity Subject to Closure Stress. SPE PRODUCTION & OPERATIONS, 2012, V27(2): 158-169. 

13. Ming Liu, Shicheng Zhang, Jianye Mou, Fractal Natural of Acid-Etched Wormholes and the Influence of Acid Type on Wormhole, Petroleum Exploration and Development, 39(5) (2012), pp.630-635.

14. Mou, Jianye; Zhu, D; Hill, AD. New Correlations of Acid-Fracture Conductivity at Low Closure Stress Based on the Spatial Distributions of Formation Properties. SPE PRODUCTION & OPERATIONS, 2011, V26(2):195-202. 

15. Mou, Jianye; Zhu, D; Hill, AD. Acid-Etched Channels in Heterogeneous Carbonates-a Newly Discovered Mechanism for Creating Acid-Fracture Conductivity. SPE Journal, 2010, V15(2): 404-416. 

16. Liu, Ming; Zhang, Shicheng; Mou, Jianye; Zhou Fujian; Shi Yang. Diverting mechanism of viscoelastic surfactant-based self-diverting acid and its simulation. JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2013, V105: 91-99.

17. Mou, Jianye ; Cai, Xin; Liu, Ming; Zhang, Ye; Zhang, Shicheng. The mechanism of leakoff reduction of clean self-diversion acid in acid fracturing. SPE, 2013, IPTC16720.

18. Jianye Mou, Maotang Yao, Kexiang Zheng. Acid Fracture Conductivity Behavior of Tahe Carbonate: High Closure Stress, Long-Term Conductivity, and Composite Conductivity. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, v1042: 44-51.

19. Jianye Mou, Kexiang Zheng, Huajian Chen. A New Method for Measuring Acid Effective Consumption Time in Acid Fracturing. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, v1004: 639-647.

20. Jianye Mou, Ding Zhu, and Daniel Hill, “A new acid-fracture conductivity model based on the spatial distributions of formation properties, SPE International Formation Damage Control Symposium Proceedings, v2:588-602, 2010.

21. Mou, J., Hill, A.D., and Zhu, D.: “The Velocity and Pressure Drop Behavior in a Rough-Walled Fracture,” paper SPE 105182 presented at the 2007 SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference, College Station, TX, 29-31 Jan.

22. Mou, J., Hill, A.D., and Zhu, D.: A New Acid Fracture Conductivity Model Based on the Spatial Distributions of Formation Properties, Paper SPE 127935 presented at the 2010 SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, Louisiana, 10–12 February.

23. Morgenthaler, L.N, Zhu, D., Jianye Mou, and Hill, A.D., “Effect of Mineralogy and Texture on Acid Response in Heterogeneous Sandstones,” SPE Production & Operations, 23(1) (2010), pp.39-48.

24. 牟建业,张士诚. 酸压裂痕导流能力影响因素剖析. 油气地质与采收率, 2011, V2: 69-71+79+115.

25. 牟建业, 蔡鑫等. 基于真实孔隙空间漫衍缝酸蚀蚓孔扩展纪律数值模拟研究. 科学手艺与工程, 2014, 14(35)40-46.

26. 牟建业,邵俊杰等. 缝洞型储层酸压暂堵剂封堵性能研究. 中国科技论文, 2016, 3(11): 1-9.

27. 李栋,牟建业, 姚茂堂. 裂痕型储层酸压暂堵质料实验研究. 科学手艺与工程, 2016, 16(2): 158-164.

28. 姚茂堂,牟建业, 李栋. 高温高压碳酸盐岩地层酸蚀裂痕恒久导流能力实验研究. 科学手艺与工程, 2015, 15(2): 193-195.

29. 邵俊杰,牟建业, 程相征. 缝洞型储层酸压刷新纤维暂堵纪律研究. 科学手艺与工程, 2016, 16(10): 126-130.



[1] 大型深穿透复合酸压手艺研究与应用,2015年中国石油和化学工业团结会科技前进一等奖,排名1

[2] 裂痕型碳酸盐岩储层酸压刷新手艺及应用,2016年中国产学研相助立异效果二等奖,排名1

[3] 2012年石工学院院长奖”(科研

[4] 凯时第八届优异教学效果一等奖,排名2

[5] 2015年石油工程设计大赛优异指导西席


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