










2009-2013 凯时(北京)石油工程专业 本科

2013-2015 德克萨斯A&M大学石油工程专业 硕士

2015-2018 德克萨斯A&M大学石油工程专业 博士

2018-2019 凯时(北京)石油工程学院 西席

2019-2023 凯时(北京)克拉玛依校区石油学院石油工程系 西席

2023-至今 凯时(北京)石油工程学院 西席







[1] Guo X, Jin Y, Chen M, et al. Coupled wellbore-reservoir-geomechanics modeling of parent well depletion-induced stress evolutions and its impact on infill well fracturing optimization in shale oil reservoirs[C]. The 58th U.S. Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium.

[2] Guo X, Li J. Investigation of Parent-Child Well Fracturing Interference in Depleted Shale Oil Reservoirs in a Faulted Region with Strong Tectonic Stresses[C]. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 2024.

[3] Guo X, Jin Y, Zi J, et al. A 3D modeling study of effects of heterogeneity on system responses in methane hydrate reservoirs with horizontal well depressurization[J]. Gas Science and Engineering, 2023: 115.

[4] 郭旭洋,金衍,卢运虎等.海域自然气水合物降压开采诱发储层力学性子劣化及沉降纪律建模研究[J].钻探工程,2023,50(06):27-36.

[5] 陈华勇,蔺敬旗,龚洁等.使用横波反射手艺定量盘算水平井储层界线[J].测井手艺,2023,47(06):710-716.

[6] Guo X, Jin Y, Zi J, et al. Numerical Investigation of Depressurization through Horizontal Wells in Methane-Hydrate-Bearing Sediments Considering Sand Production[J]. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022, 10(11): 1777.

[7] 郭旭洋,金衍,林伯韬等.南海自然气水合物水平井降压开采诱发沉积物力学响应纪律[J].凯时学报(自然科学版),2022,46(06):41-47.

[8] Wang L, Li Y, Xu D, et al. Evolution of Near-Well Damage Caused by Fluid Injection through Perforations in Wellbores in Low-Permeability Reservoirs: A Case Study in a Shale Oil Reservoir[J]. Lithosphere, 2022:3824011.

[9] Wang Z, Guo X, Zheng G, et al. Effects of parent well spacing on the poroelastic behaviors in the infill zone in shale oil reservoirs: A case study in Jimsar Shale Oil, China[J]. Energy Science & Engineering, 2022, 10(4):1043-1054.

[10] Guo X, Huang L, Jin Y, et al. An experimental study of the rock mechanical properties in highly heterogeneous reservoir rocks of tight sandy conglomerates[C]. ARMA/DGS/SEG International Geomechanics Symposium, 2021.

[11] Guo X, Jin Y, Zi J, et al. Numerical investigation of the gas production efficiency and induced geomechanical responses in marine methane hydrate-bearing sediments exploited by depressurization through hydraulic fractures[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35(22):18441-58.

[12] Zhi D, Guo X, Wang W, et al. Fracturing and production analysis of the efficacy of hydraulic fracture stage reduction in the improvement of cost‐effectiveness in shale oil development: A case study of Jimsar shale oil, China[J]. Energy Science & Engineering, 2021, 9(9):1337-1348.

[13] 郭旭洋,金衍,黄雷等.页岩油气藏水平井井间滋扰研究现状和讨论[J].石油钻采工艺,2021,43(03):348-367.

[14] 承宁,郭旭洋,魏璞等. 水平井分段分簇压裂痕间滋扰和段间滋扰建模 ——以昌吉油田吉7井区八道湾组油藏为例[J]. 新疆石油地质,2021,42(4):437-443.

[15] 郭旭洋,黄雷.基于仿真数值模拟平台的石油工程专业质料力学课程教学刷新探索[J].科教文汇(中旬刊),2021,(32):89-92.

[16] 郭旭洋.基于油田现场工程案例的教学模式刷新——以本科“石油工程岩石力学基础”课程为例[J].科教育刊,2021,(31):107-109.

[17] 郭旭洋,金衍,林伯韬.页岩油立体开发诱发的储层地应力动态响应特征[J].石油钻采工艺,2020,42(06):738-744.

[18] Guo X, Ma J, Wang S, et al. Modeling interwell interference: A study of the effects of parent well depletion on asymmetric fracture propagation in child wells[C]. SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, 2020.

[19] Tang J, Li J, Tang M, et al. Investigation of multiple hydraulic fractures evolution and well performance in lacustrine shale oil reservoirs considering stress heterogeneity[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 218:106569.

[20] Guo X, Wu K, An C, et al. Numerical investigation of effects of subsequent parent-well injection on interwell fracturing interference using reservoir-geomechanics-fracturing modeling[J]. SPE Journal, 2019, 24(04):1884-1902.

[21] Guo X, Wu K, Killough J, et al. Understanding the mechanism of interwell fracturing interference with reservoir/geomechanics/fracturing modeling in eagle ford shale[J]. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering. 2019, 22(03):842-860.

[22] Yoon HC, Guo X, Kim J, et al. Flexible and practical parallel implementation for coupled elastoplastic geomechanics and non-isothermal flow[J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2019, 120:96-107.

[23] Guo X, Du L, Sun P, et al. An integrated approach to sustainable heat recovery in a sedimentary geothermal reservoir considering surface energy demands[J]. ENERGY PROCEDIA, 2019.

[24] Tang J, Ehlig-Economides C, Li J, et al. Investigation of Multiple Hydraulic Fracture Propagation for Low-Pressure Tight Sandstone Reservoirs in Northern Ordos Basin of Changqing Oilfield, China[J]. SPE International Hydraulic Fracturing Technology Conference and Exhibition, 2018.

[25] An C, Guo X, Killough J. Impacts of Kerogen and Clay on Stress-Dependent Permeability Measurements of Shale Reservoirs[C]. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 2018.

[26] Guo X, Wu K, Killough J. Investigation of production-induced stress changes for infill-well stimulation in Eagle Ford Shale[J]. SPE Journal, 2018, 23(04):1372-1388.

[27] Tang J, Wu K, Zeng B, et al. Investigate effects of weak bedding interfaces on fracture geometry in unconventional reservoirs[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 165:992-1009.

[28] Guo X, Song H, Wu K, et al. Pressure characteristics and performance of multi-stage fractured horizontal well in shale gas reservoirs with coupled flow and geomechanics[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 163:1-5.

[29] Guo X, Song H, Killough J, et al. Numerical investigation of the efficiency of emission reduction and heat extraction in a sedimentary geothermal reservoir: a case study of the Daming geothermal field in China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25:4690-706.

[30] Chen R, Niu C, Wang Q, et al. Sequence Stratigraphic Characteristics of Fluvial Facies in the Guantao Formation of South Gentle Slope Belt, Huanghekou Sag[C]. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2017.

[31] Guo X, Kim J, Killough JE. Hybrid MPI-OpenMP scalable parallelization for coupled non-isothermal fluid-heat flow and elastoplastic geomechanics[C]. SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, 2017.

[32] Guo X, Wang Y, Killough J. The application of static load balancers in parallel compositional reservoir simulation on distributed memory system[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 28:447-60.


[1] 针对地层的井壁稳固性剖析要领、装置、介质及装备[P].CN113356843B.

[2] 一种页岩油水平井网老井水力裂痕注液量简直定要领[P].CN112836442B.

[3] 一种清静帽佩带智能检测要领、系统、终端及介质[P].CN113688709B.

[4] 非通例油气藏开采历程中的地应力动态展望软件V1.0.2023SR0097137.


[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金 ,页岩气井工厂模式先蚊井水力裂痕亲近割机理研究 ,主持

[2] 油气资源与探测国家重点实验室课题 ,基于有限元要领的页岩气储层流固耦合机理研究 ,主持

[3] 页岩油气富集机理与有用开发国家重点实验室课题 ,思量井间应力滋扰的庞洪水力缝网造缝及导流能力机理研究 ,主持

[4] 中国石油科技立异基金 ,思量立体开发动态地应力作用的水力压裂建模研究 ,主持

[5] 国家自然科学基金重大项目 ,自然气水合物储层力学特征及多场耦合工程响应机制 ,加入

[6] 美国能源部项目 ,Advanced Simulation and Experiments of Strongly Coupled Geomechanics and Flow for Gas Hydrate Deposits: Validation and Field Application ,加入


[1] 超深碳酸盐岩储层智能酸压手艺与应用 ,中国石油和化学工业团结会科技前进一等奖

[2] 含煤岩系产层组穿层压裂机理与控制手艺 ,中国石油和化工自动化应用协会手艺发明二等奖

[3] 《石油科学(英文版)》第一届优异青年编委

[4] 2023年国际石油工程师协会(SPE)优异手艺编辑奖

[5] 2022年国际石油工程师协会(SPE)优异手艺编辑奖

[6] 天下石油工程设计大赛科技立异优异指导西席


[1] 中国岩石力学与工程学会会员

[2] 国际石油工程师协会(SPE)会员

[3] 《石油科学转达》执行编委

[4] 《石油科学(英文版)》青年编委

[5] 中国岩石力学与工程学术年会事情委员会成员

[6] 亚洲岩石力学大会秘书处成员

[7] 昆士兰大学博士答辩委员会成员


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