


王彧斐 ,男 ,1986年1月生 ,汉族 ,陕西省西安市人 ,博士 ,教授 ,博士生导师 ,国家自然科学基金优异青年基金获得者。2008年6月本科结业于西安交通大学 ,2012年8月获曼彻斯特大学历程系统集成专业博士学位。主要研究偏向为历程能量系统集成 ,设施结构智能设计 ,供应链优化等。揭晓海内外期刊论文100余篇 ,其中以第一作者/通讯作者揭晓SCI收录论文56篇 ,加入起草国家标准1项 ,授权发明专利4项 ,软件著作权4项 ,著有论著4本 ,并加入编写中英文专著4本。主持种种科研项目10余项;袷〔考犊萍冀崩2项 ,获侯德榜化工科学手艺奖青年奖 ,中国系统工程学会历程系统工程专业委员会首届青年科技奖。




2004.9-2008.8  西安交通大学化学工程专业 获学士学位

2008.9-2012.8 曼彻斯特大学历程系统集成专业 获博士学位


2012至今 凯时(北京)化工学院 西席


2017年 ,项目“工业水网络集成的理论与要领”获教育部高等学?蒲а芯坑乓煨Ч保ǹ蒲忠眨┳匀豢蒲Ф冉 ,第二完成人。

2019年 ,首届历程系统工程委员会青年科技奖。

2021年 ,侯德榜化工科学手艺奖青年奖

2022年 ,项目“多标准化工能量系统功热耦合网络优化手艺”获中国发明协会发明立异奖二等奖 ,第一完成人


[1] 王彧斐 ,冯霄 ,杨敏博 ,化工节能原理与手艺 ,第5版 ,化学工业出书社 ,2022。

[2] 王彧斐 ,邓春 ,冯霄 ,化工节能节水刷新案例 ,化学工业出书社 ,2018。

[3] 冯霄 ,王彧斐 ,化工节能原理与手艺 ,第4版 ,化学工业出书社 ,2015。

[4] 冯霄 ,都健 ,王彧斐 ,邓春 ,刘琳琳 ,第27篇 历程系统工程 ,化学工程手册 ,第3版 ,化学工业出书社 ,2018。

[5] Ren J., Wang Y., He C. (2019), Toward Sustainable Chemical Process, Elsevier.

[6] Wang Y., Feng X. (2017) Heat Integration Across Plants Considering Distance Factor. In: Kopanos G., Liu P., Georgiadis M. (eds) Advances in Energy Systems Engineering. Springer, Cham

[7] Wang Y., Feng X. (2017) Process synthesis for energy efficiency based on the pinch analysis approach: Methodological Approaches. In Rong B., Process Synthesis and Process Intensification. DE GRUYTER

[8] Wang Y., Feng X. Fouling mitigation in heat exchanger network through process optimization. In: Foo. C. Y. D., El-Halwagi, M., Process intensification and integration for sustainable design. Wiley-VCH.









  1. 《石油科学(英文版)》青年编委

  2. Green Energy and Environment青年编委

  3. 《化工希望》编委

  4. 《节能》编委

  5. 《石化手艺与应用》编委

  6. 《盘算机与应用化学》青年编委

  7. 中国系统工程学会历程系统工程专业委员会委员

  8. 中国化工学会能源化工智能制造专业委员会委员

  9. 中国化工学会历程模拟与仿真专业委员会青年委员

  10. 国际聚会PRES国际专业委员会委员

  11. 天下化工节能(减排)中心专业委员会委员

  12. Frontiers in Thermal Engineering | Thermal System Design 副主编

  13. Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability编委

  14. Frontiers in Sustainability | Sustainable chemical design编委

  15. Processes专题编辑(Topic Editor

  16. Energy客座编辑

  17. Mathematical Problems in Engineering客座编辑

  18. Processes客座编辑


  1. Jiaru iLiang, Linhui Li, Yiguo Li, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Operation optimization of existing industrial circulating water system considering variable frequency drive, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 186, 2022, 387-397.

  2. Yan Wu, Ziyuan Cui, Hai Lin, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, An optimization method for shale gas gathering system - Consideration of reliability enhancement under earthquake-related uncertainties, Petroleum Science, 19(5), 2022, 2431-2447

  3. Bo Liu, Yufei Wang*, XiaoFeng, Optimal design of industrial cooling water systems considering economic performance and water savings, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 167, 2022, 108021.

  4. Yan Wu, Tianqi Xia, Yufei Wang *, Haoran Zhang, Xiao Feng, Xuan Song, Ryosuke Shibasaki, A synchronization methodology for 3D offshore wind farm layout optimization with multi-type wind turbines and obstacle-avoiding cable network, Renewable Energy, 2022, 185, 302-320

  5. Shaofei Shi, Yufei Wang*, Youlei Wang, Xiao Feng, A new optimization method for cooling systems considering low-temperature waste heat utilization in a polysilicon industry, Energy, 2022, 238, 121800.

  6. Ruiqi Wang, Yufei Wang*, Truls Gundersen, Yan Wu, Xiao Feng, Mengxi Liu, A multi-objective optimization method for industrial park layout design: The trade-off between economy and safety, Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 235, 116471

  7. Ziyuan Cui, Hai Lin, Yan Wu, Yufei Wang*, and Xiao Feng, Optimization of Pipeline Network Layout for Multiple Heat Sources Distributed Energy Systems Considering Reliability Evaluation, Processes, 2021, 9, 1308.

  8. Xinghong Wu, Yan Wu, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Guangjin Chen, A Multi-periods Offshore Wind Farm Optimization Method for Supplying Energy in a Natural Gas Hydrates Exploitation Platform, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 316, 128238.

  9. Bo Liu, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Yijie Han, Bi-Multiperiod Optimization of Industrial Cooling Systems, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60(24), 8861–8873

  10. Bo Liu, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Optimization of circulating cooling water systems based on chance constrained programming, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021, 40, 167-178.

  11. Shutong Yang; Youlei Wang; Yufei Wang. Optimization of Cascade Cooling System Based on Lithium Bromide Refrigeration in the Polysilicon Industry. Processes, 2021, 9, 1681.

  12. Yan Wu, Yufei Wang*, Ruonan Liu, Xiao Feng, Applying plate heat exchangers in crude preheat train for fouling mitigation, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2021, 165:150-161

  13. Lingwei Zhang, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, A Framework for Design and Operation Optimization for Utilizing LowGrade Industrial Waste Heat in District Heating and Cooling, Energies, 2021, 14(8), 2190

  14. Yan Wu, Shuai Zhang, Ruiqi Wang, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, New Model for Large Scale Chemical Industrial Layout Optimization, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 161, 2020, 58-71.

  15. Yufei Wang*, Zehuan Wan, Chenglin Chang, Xiao Feng, A game theory based method for inter-plant heat integration considering cost allocation, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(6), 2020, 1652-1660.

  16. Ruiqi Wang, Yufei Wang*, Truls Gundersen, Yan Wu, Xiao Feng, Mengxi Liu, A layout design method for an industrial park based on a novel arrangement algorithm – Consideration of pipe network and multiple hazard sources, Chemical Engineering Science, 277, 2020, 115929

  17. Chenglin Chang, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Optimal synthesis of multi-plant heat exchanger networks considering both direct and indirect methods, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020, 28(2), 456-465.

  18. Yan Wu, Shuai Zhang, Ruiqi Wang, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, A design methodology for wind farm layout considering cable routing and economic benefit based on genetic algorithm and GeoSteiner, Renewable Energy, 146, 2020, Pages 687-698.

  19. Yan Wu, Siyu Xu, Huan Zhao, Yufei Wang*, and Xiao Feng, Coupling Layout Optimization of Key Plant and Industrial Area, Processes, 2020, 8, 185-203.

  20. Siyu Xu, Yufei Wang*, and Xiao Feng, Plant Layout Optimization for Chemical Industry Considering Inner Frame Structure Design, Sustainability, 2020, 12, 2476-2495.

  21. Zefeng Qi, Yifan Ma, Chuang Chen, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Environment and economy based optimization of CWS featured air coolers, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 233, 793-807.

  22. Runrun Song, Yufei Wang*, Marc Panu, Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi, and Xiao Feng, Improved Targeting Procedure To Determine the Indirect Interplant Heat Integration with Parallel Connection Pattern among Three Plants, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57, 1569-1580.

  23. Jiaze Ma, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Dongmei Xu, Synthesis cooling water system with air coolers, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2018, 131, 643-655.

  24. Mengying Wang, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Chun Deng, and Xingying Lan, Energy Performance Comparison between Power and Absorption Refrigeration Cycles for Low Grade Waste Heat Recovery, ACS sustainable chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6, 4614-4624.

  25. Jiaze Ma, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Optimization of multi-plants cooling water system, Energy, 2018, 150, 797-815.

  26. Ruiqi Wang, Huan Zhao, Yan Wu, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Mengxi Liu, An industrial facility layout design method considering energy saving based on surplus rectangle fill algorithm, Energy, 2018, 158, 1038-1051.

  27. Jiaze Ma, Chenglin Chang, Yufei Wang*, XiaoFeng, Multi-objective optimization of multi-period interplant heat integration using steam system, Energy, ,2018, 159, 950-960.

  28. Jiaze Ma, Hafiz M. Irfan, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, and Dongmei Xu, Recovering Wastewater in a Cooling Water System with Thermal Membrane Distillation, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57 (31), 10491–10499.

  29. Chenglin Chang, Yufei Wang*, Jiaze Ma, Xiaolu Chen, Xiao Feng, An energy hub approach for direct interplant heat integration, Energy, 2018, 159, 878-890.

  30. Jiaze Ma, Chen Li, Fuyu Liu, Yufei Wang*, Tiecheng Liu, Xiao Feng, Optimization of circulating cooling water networks considering the constraint of return water temperature, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 199, 916-922.

  31. Yan Wu, Ruiqi Wang, Yufei Wang?, Xiao Feng, An area-wide layout design method considering piecewise steam piping and energy loss, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2018, 138, 405-417.

  32. Yufei Wang, Ruizhen Li, Xiao Feng*, Rule-based optimization strategy for energy efficient water networks, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 110, 730-736.

  33. Yan Wu, Yufei Wang*, A chemical industry area-wide layout design methodology for piping implementation, Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 2017, 118, 81–93.

  34. Chenglin Chang, Xiaolu Chen, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Simultaneous optimization of multi-plant heat integration using intermediate fluid circles, Energy, 2017, 121, 306–317.

  35. Chenglin Chang, Xiaolu Chen, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Simultaneous synthesis of multi-plant heat exchanger networks using process streams across plants, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2017, 101(9), 95-109.

  36. Yufei Wang, Chensheng Wang, Xiao Feng*, Optimal match between heat source and absorption refrigeration, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2017, 102, 268-277.

  37. Yufei Wang, Qikui Tang, Mengying Wang, Xiao Feng*, Thermodynamic performance comparison between ORC and Kalina cycles for multi-stream waste heat recovery, Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 143, 482-492.

  38. Jiaze Ma, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Simultaneous optimization of pump and cooler networks in a cooling water system, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 125, 377-385.

  39. Jiaze Ma, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Energy recovery in cooling water system by hydro turbines, Energy, 2017, 139, 329-340.

  40. Ruiqi Wang, Yan Wu, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, An industrial area layout design methodology considering piping and safety using genetic algorithm, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 167, 23-31.

  41. Yufei Wang*, Ruonan Liu, Xiao Feng, Shihui Zhan, An Overall Velocity Distribution and Optimization Method for Crude Oil Fouling Mitigation in Heat Exchanger Networks, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56 (39), 11206–11215.

  42. Jiayang Tian, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Simultaneous optimization of flow velocity and cleaning schedule for mitigating fouling in refinery heat exchanger networks, Energy, 2016, 109, 1118-1129.

  43. Chenglin Chang, Xiaolu Chen, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, An efficient optimization algorithm for waste Heat Integration using a heat recovery loop between two plants, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 105, 799-806

  44. Yan Wu, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, A heuristic approach for petrochemical plant layout considering steam pipeline length, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016, 24(8), 1032-1037.

  45. Yufei Wang*, Chenglin Chang, Xiao Feng, A systematic framework for multi-plants Heat Integration combining Direct and Indirect Heat Integration methods, Energy, 2015, 90, 56-67.

  46. Yufei Wang, Sidong Wu, Xiao Feng*, Chun Deng, An exergy-based approach for hydrogen network integration, Energy, 2015, 86, 514-524.

  47. Chenglin Chang, Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Indirect heat integration across plants using hot water circles, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2015, 23(6), 992–997.

  48. Yufei Wang*, Shihui Zhan, Xiao Feng, Optimization of velocity for energy saving and mitigating fouling in a crude oil preheat train with fixed network structure, Energy, 2015, 93, 1478-1488.

  49. Yufei Wang ,Ying Wei ,Xiao Feng* , Khim Hoong Chu ,Synthesis of heat exchanger networks featuring batch streams, Applied Energy, 2014, 114, 30-44

  50. Yufei Wang* ,Khim Hoong Chu, and Zhuofeng Wang ,Two-Step Methodology for Retrofit Design of Cooling Water Networks ,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53, 274-286.

  51. Yufei Wang*, Xiao Feng, Khim Hoong Chu, Trade-off between energy and distance related costs for different connection patterns in heat integration across plants, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 70, 857-866.

  52. Yufei Wang, Jiao Jin, Xiao Feng*, Khim Hoong Chu, Optimal Operation of a Refinery’s Hydrogen Network, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53, 14419?14422.

  53. Yufei Wang, Robin Smith*, Retrofit of a Heat-Exchanger Network by Considering Heat-Transfer Enhancement and Fouling, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 25, 8527-8537.

  54. Yufei Wang, Robin Smith*, Jin-Kuk Kim, Heat exchanger network retrofit optimization involving heat transfer enhancement, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2012, 43, 7-13.

  55. Yufei Wang, Ming Pan, Igor Bulatov, Robin Smith*, Jin-Kuk Kim, Application of intensified heat transfer for the retrofit of heat exchanger network, Applied Energy, 2012, 89(1), 45-59.

  56. Yufei Wang, Xiao Feng*, Yan Cai, Maobin Zhu, Khim H. Chu, Improving a process's efficiency by exploiting heat pockets in its heat exchange network, Energy, 2009, 34(11): 1925-1932.
